Karen Cushman

Karen Cushman

Newbery award-winning children’s book author

Karen Cushman

FAQ #8: Stuck

What do you do when you’re stuck on a writing project?

I don’t sit at my desk and try to push mashed potatoes through a keyhole. I do something else. Walk, putter in the garden, play computer solitaire, eat an orange, do the laundry, nap, or work on a different project. My subconscious seems to work on the problem without me, and eventually I find a way back in.

(photo credit: Katerina Kovaleva)

3 thoughts on “FAQ #8: Stuck”

  1. I do many of those same things. But sometimes I do what used to be called “automatic writing.” Put on some music and let it flow. Results not always great. Unlike the monkey that randomly types it rarely if ever sounds like Shaksphere.

  2. Very interesting, dear Karen. I do similar things, because nothing can be forced. I am calm, all will come in time. I write daily – my journal, mails and such. I too have tried automatic writing in the past, always interesting.
    Kindest regards!

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