Medieval Times
Here’s a peek at the books about medieval times that I refer to while I’m writing.

Castle, David Macaulay, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1977 and 2013 (in color!)
Fabulous Feasts: Medieval Cookery and Ceremony, Madeleine Pelner Cosman, George Braziller, 1999
Gerard’s Herbal: A History of Plants, Marcus Woodward, editor, Studio Limited, 1994, first published in 1597
Growing Up in Medieval London: the Experience of Childhood in History, Barbara A. Hanawalt, Oxford University Press, 1993
Lost Country Life, Dorothy Hartley, Pantheon, 1980
Medieval Home Companion: Housekeeping in the14th Century, translated by Tania Bayard, HarperCollins, 1991
Oxford Dictionary of Saints, David Hugh Farmer, Oxford University Press, 1979
Time Traveler’s Guide to Medieval England: A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century, Ian Mortimer, Touchstone, 2009
World Lit Only By Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance, William Manchester, Little, Brown and Company, 1992
Writer’s Guide to Everyday Life in the Middle Ages, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Writer’s Digest Books, 1995