Karen Cushman

Karen Cushman

Newbery award-winning children’s book author

Karen Cushman

A Wish for Immortality?

Ever by Gail Carson Levine
The Farthest Shore
Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbit
Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice

Thanks to the generous Tamara of Bookman’s in Tucson, I was given a copy of Gail Carson Levine’s newest book, Ever. In a mythical land, the mortal Kezi and Olus, the Akkan god of the wind who loves her, face seemingly insurmountable trials, but if they succeed, they will become immortal. The story is filled with romance, suspense, action, and the intriguing question: Would you truly wish to be immortal?

I thought for a review I would go to an expert on romance and suspense: a teen-aged girl who loves fantasy and loves to read. Below is the review from Ella McConnell, an eighth grader at McMurray Middle School here on Vashon Island:

Ever started off slowly and definitely took me longer then it should have to read but over all it was a wonderfully written book. The characters have a very real value to them, even though some of them are gods. They enjoyed things that average people enjoy all around the world. Arts like rug making, weaving, music, and dancing were what made this book feel so alive and realistic. The main characters suffered to find out the truth in their lives. I would recommend this book to anyone who is able to read English.”

The question of immortality reminded me of other great books in which the question is asked: Ursula LeGuin’s The Farthest Shore, Tuck Everlasting, of course, and Interview With The Vampire, after which so many of us fell in love with the lovely, melancholy Louis.

I don’t know what Kezi ultimately decides but I think I might vote with Meggy Swann, from my new book who says: “I have found that living can be most toilsome and cruel. Why would any someone wish to be immortal?” But I must say it’s okay with me if my books live forever!